The EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, i.e. the co-called Norwegian and EEA Grants form a non-returnable financial aid granted by Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein to more than a dozen of Central and Southern European and the Baltic states.
The grants are correlated to Poland’s accession to the European Union and its simultaneous accession to the European Economic Area (formed by the EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). In exchange for the financial assistance granted, the donor states benefit from the access to the EU internal market in spite of not being the EU member states.
The major targets of the Norwegian and EEA grants include:
- Contribution to levelling the economic and social differences inside the European Economic Area,
- consolidation of the bilateral relationships between the donor and beneficiary states.
Poland signed the Memoranda of Understanding on the third Edition of the Norwegian and EEA Grants (the total pool amounting to more than 2,8 billion EUR, which makes our country the biggest beneficiary, like in the previous editions.
Polish Ministry of Grants and Regional Policy (MFiPR) is responsible for the coordination of the implementation of the Norwegian and EEA Grants, playing the role of the so-called Domestic Contact Point (KPK) for the Norwegian and EEA Grants. The Programs covered by the third edition of the Norwegian and EEA Grants shall be implemented by 2024. The Bilateral Collaboration Grants is an exception and it shall be implemented by the 30th April, 2025.
For more details visit:
- EOG 2014-2021 — Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej [Ministry of Grants and Regional Policy]
- Dotacje Funduszy Norweskich i EOG [Subsidies from the Norwegian and EEA Grants]
- On Facebook Fundusze norweskie i EOG | Facebook [The Norwegian and EEA Grants]
The project ”The city as a space for development”
🇬🇧 The Project „The City as a Space for Development” is funded from the “Local Development” Program co-funded from the grants of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the years 2014–2021 and the State Budget.
It is performed in partnership with the Silesian University of Technology and the University of Technology in Katowice with collaboration by the consultants from the Union of Polish Cities.
The project performance term is from the 3rd January, 2022 to the 30th April, 2024.
The maximum qualifiable total costs covered by the project amount to
PLN 15 328 498,86.
Co-funding: EUR 3 371 346,00.
The main target of the project
The improvement of the life quality in the city through actions aimed at the improvement of the economic and social potential of the city, the environment quality and urban spaces as well as the creation of standards of modern public service provision and improvement of the institutional capacities of the city administration.
The project performance effects
- Urban space quality improvement.
- Consolidation of the social bonds between the inhabitants, including the growth of the ecological awareness .
- Consolidation of the administration staff competence and creating conditions for the development of the local government administration and city specialisations as an impulse for the further development of Zabrze.
The scope of the project
Better space:
- The revitalisation of the Metallurgical Park including the expansion with street furniture, a playground and water playground and a skatepark.
- The construction of the brine graduation towers in Kończyce and Maciejów.
- The adaptation of the Registry Office Building to the needs of the people with disabilities.
Consolidated bonds and development of city specialisations and improved ecological awareness:
- The activities in active attitudes and professional education designed for working with children and youth aimed at the introduction in the world of social activity and assistance to other people.
- Multi-topic actions dedicated to entire families introducing vitality and freshness into everyday actions as well as planning time off performed as part of the undertakings of the “Vitality Academy” and “Stay with us over the weekend”.
- Outdoor activities and ecological events for the inhabitants to develop their knowledge and promote good practices in the scope of ecological education.
- Children and Youth Academy „:Like at a University” – activities for children and youth under the patronage of a university.
- Training courses dedicated for the start-up circles in the scope of the city specialisations.
High quality services for the population:
- Implementation of the participation module for social consultations and communication with the inhabitants.
- Implementation of services on the EBOK (Electronic Customer Service Bureau) platform and the purchase of hardware necessary for the implementation of the new services.
- Training courses for the local government administration and city organizational units staff.
- Development of the City Accessibility Standard.
The projects performed